Welcome - This blog was created to discuss the common questions and topics concerning the start-up and ongoing operations of A Brush with Kindness and Aging in Place

Friday, July 31, 2015

Homeowner Interview & Assessment

A Brush with Kindness is not a housing product but a comprehensive service that put people living in their home as #1 priority. We connect caring volunteers that desire to serve their community with struggling homeowners that need their homes repaired and restored.

We assess the home and interview the homeowner during the same visit with the same person. We use one person for both tasks to create a clear, consistent relationship with our homeowners. Because many of our homeowners are vulnerable adults, having one person be the primary contact allows us to build necessary trust to move a project forward.
Home Assessment
A Brush with Kindness has moved to an electronic home assessment form.

See link: Home Assessment - Salesforce.

We use the Salesforce application to assess homeowner needs. We assess our ABWK homes using a smart phone.

At Twin Cities Habitat, we do not do a full home assessment but address immediate health and safety concerns.

We listen to the homeowners story, understand and address their concerns and make sure we take care of any city code violations or insurance cancellation issues. We listen to homeowner concerns about their home and respond to their needs and desires of health and safety as well as the community priorities of safety and value. Home Maintenance Home Repair Accessible

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